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Ujung Tanjung Religious Court Monday Ceremony


Monday, 09  September 2024

Located in the yard of the Ujung Tanjung Religious Court office, the ceremony was  again on Monday. This event is a routine for the Ujung Tanjung Religious court in the context of enforcing discipline.  Acting as super visor namely Mr H. Muhammad Nawawi,S.Ag. in his message he said,  it is important for all Ujung tanjung. Religious court aparatur to main tain solidarity and unity furthermore he said that every employee should work seriously and always be disciplined when entering and leaving the office.


Let’s work really hard and always complete tasks well and also work together  

( P2ardi,S.H. )










Hubungi Kami

Pengadilan Agama Ujung Tanjung

Jl. Lintas Riau - Sumut KM. 167, Banjar XII, Ujung Tanjung 

Telp: 0811 7065 144

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Pengadilan Agama Ujung Tanjung 2020